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13 artists
two galleries
one vision

A fanatic is a human being who consciously over compensates a secret doubt.

Aldous Huxley
Hans Christian Skovholt
Trond Nicholas Perry
Martin Skauen
Jorunn Hancke Øgstad
Magnus Vatvedt
Are Blytt
Kjersti Andvig
Kristian Skylstad
Rachel Dagnall
Kristine Øksendal
Milumbe Haimbe
Inga S. Søreide
Bjørn Båsen

Mainstream psychology and related disciplines have traditionally treated belief as if it were the simplest form of mental representation and therefore one of the building blocks of conscious thought. Philosophers have tended to be more rigorous in their analysis and much of the work examining the viability of the belief concept stems from philosophical analysis. The visual system in humans allows individuals to assimilate information from the environment. The act of seeing starts when the lens of the eye focuses an image of its surroundings onto a light-sensitive membrane in the back of the eye, called the retina. The retina is actually part of the brain that is isolated to serve as a transducer for the conversion of patterns of light into neuronal signals. The lens of the eye focuses light on the photoreceptive cells of the retina, which detect the photons of light and respond by producing neural impulses. These signals are processed in a hierarchical fashion by different parts of the brain.

You`ll find the gallery behind Vestbanen, Oslo.
Open friday 4-8pm and saturday 2pm – 5pm
Magnus Vatvedt - Illumination
Magnus Vatvedt
Kjersti Andvig - No one here is innocent
No one here is innocent
Kjersti Andvig
Jorunn Hancke Øgstad - Untitled
Jorunn Hancke Øgstad

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