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Leaf AFi10 - 56MP kamera

Nytt kamera fra Leaf med 56MP oppløsning, CCD sensor på hele 56x36mm som kan dreies fra høyde til breddeformat. Her slipper man å "flytte" kamera fra høyde til bredde ved å endre posisjon på brikken i bakstykke...
It’s a wide world. Capture it with True Wide Frame. The True Wide Frame 56x36 mm, 56 megapixel digital imaging sensor in the new Leaf AFi 10 camera system takes you to the edge of the medium-format frame. With best-of-class Schneider lenses, the Leaf AFi system can fully realize the power of 56 megapixels, delivering images of unsurpassed quality. Together with the new Leaf ‘Verto’ technology, the True Wide Frame sensor can be rotated internally, giving you the control and flexibility to shoot the way you want to. Just imagine.

‘True Wide Frame’ sensor
The new Leaf True Wide Frame sensor restores lenses to their full angle of view. Together with DALSA Corporation, Leaf designed the exclusive new 56x36 mm True Wide Frame sensor to deliver 56 megapixel resolution across the entire width of the Leaf AFi 10’s 6x6 sensor area. True Wide Frame sensor technology in the Leaf AFi 10 imaging module and Leaf Aptus 10 camera back is also compatible with over 80 large-format cameras, maximizing their capture area.

Leaf Verto internal sensor rotation
Leaf Verto internal sensor rotation technology means no more turning the camera, or even the imaging module with the Leaf AFi 10. With one finger you can flip the sensor from landscape to portrait and back, giving you the power to quickly capture 56mm resolution in both landscape and portrait orientations.

For mer infomasjon om kamera, se eller besøk oss under Photokina messen i Köln 23-28. September.

Leaf -
Leaf -

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